Page 29 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 29

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Sound of New England Chorus

        Hello, Region 1! We hardy New Englanders are seeing our first snow (and our first cancellation – grrr!),
        so it makes thinking back to last summer so wonderful.  Here we are singing in West Hartford’s Blue
        Back  Square  with  one  of  our  “Summer  Singsation”  guests,  young  Grace,  front  and  center!  So

        Our busy Fall got off to a great start with a performance in September for the residents of the Saint Mary
        Home (where we rehearse every week) as part of the Mercy Community’s celebration of “Mercy Day.”
        They are such a great audience. We performed for them right before Christmas.

        The  month  of  October  was  largely  spent  preparing  for  our  fabulous  show  at  the  Mandell  Jewish
        Community Center, West Hartford, on November 4th. We had a script that brought sheep, Glinda and
        Elphaba,  the  Supreme  Fairy  Godmother,  and  other  colorful  characters  together,  and  we  rocked  the
        house! Our guest performers, Boston Accent and magician David Corsaro, were just icing on the cake
        we gave our audience. It was amazing fun!!

                                         “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough…”

                      Millie (Glinda) and Naomi (“Elphie”)                                 April, Carla and Laura model our dazzling new costumes!

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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