Page 32 - PowerPoint Presentation
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Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Valley Shore Acappella Chorus

        What  a  whirlwind  VSA  has  experienced  since   One  of  our  former  members  lives  there  and  we
        September!  Just  a  week  after  Fall  Regional,  we   always  have  a  mini  reunion  with  Betsy  Kirk.
        welcomed our newest and youngest member, Heidi    Betsy  sang  Bass  and  was always  able to hit the
        Petersen!  Heidi came to many rehearsals because   lowest  of  low  notes!  It  is  inspiring  to  sing
        her mother, Wendy, sings in our Bass wedge.  She   patriotic  songs  to  some  of  our  bravest  veterans.
        realized she had learned our repertoire along with   We  also  had  a  performance  at  another  favorite
        her  mom  and  decided  she  belonged  on  the  risers   venue, Essex Meadows.  While we were so busy,
        with  us.  We’re  thrilled  that  Heidi  joined  us  and   Pia Kroes and Deb Marino, co-chairs of our 40th
        added her bright light to our chorus.             Anniversary  as  a  Sweet  Adeline  Chapter  Show,
                                                          spent  their  spare  moments  soliciting  ads  for  our
                                                          program,  selling  admission  tickets  and  just
                                                          generally  organizing  a  great  show.  Thank  you,
                                                          ladies, for doing such a bang up job.  We’re so
                                                          lucky  to  have  such  dedicated  members.  We
                                                          weren’t alone on stage.  We managed to secure 4
                                                          fabulous  quartets  to  join  us.  They  were,  of
                                                          course,  VOCE,  Coastline  Show  Chorus’  Four
                                                          Fun,  Men’s  quartet,  Nor’easter  (including  our
                                                          former director, Steve Wolf) and VSA’s in house
                                                          quartet, Quattro.  The plethora of talent made for
                                                          an incredible afternoon of Barbershop!  We even
                                                          had  an  award  for  a  charter  member  of  Valley
                                                          Shore who has been with our group every step of
                                                          our journey.  Jeannette Fudge sings baritone and
                                                          has  been  board  member,  section  leader,  chorus
                                                          historian…you name it and she has done it.  We
                                                          love you. Jeannette.
             Heidi Petersen, our youngest member with
              her big sister, Marion Ivey, fellow bass.

       As  we  moved  into  the  fall,  we  were  anxiously
       awaiting the 3rd International performance of our
       talented  director,  Angie  Clark.  For  those  who
       don’t  know,  Angie  is  the  baritone  in  Region  1’s
       own  VOCE!      Their  performance  on  stage  was
       goose bump producing!  VOCE placed an amazing
       13th place in an extremely competitive field.  We
       were all so proud of VOCE and all of Region 1’s
       talented  singers,  Boston  Accent  and  Harmony  on
       the Sound.

       November brought us into our busiest performance
       season.  We returned for the 3rd year in a row to        Angie (our director)  with Jeannette Fudge,
       the  Arbors  in  Manchester  to  celebrate  Veteran’s   our oldest  member and charter member of VSA


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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