Page 31 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 31

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Valley Chords Chorus

        Happy New Year!

        The Valley Chords had a challenging but successful 2017.  With the ongoing support of Jessie Caynon
        and Laura Fraser we continue to find our voices as a small ensemble while hoping to find a full-time
        director in the near future.

        In November we ventured out to Derry, NH in November and were enchanted by the Rhythm of NH
        show Chorus Princesses!

         Our  winter  season  opened  with  a  fun  repertoire  of  both  holiday  and  non-holiday  music  at  the
        Dartmouth  College  ArtWorks  program.  Our  veteran  tenor,  Janet  Whyte,  works  at  the  Dartmouth
        College   art  museum  when  she  isn’t  singing  and  invited  the  chorus  to  participate  in  this  annual
        opportunity for Dartmouth Employees to show off their “after work” talents.

        We then jumped into the Holiday season with an informal sing-out at the United Methodist Church in
        White River Junction during their annual chowder fest and silent auction.  Our holiday program was
        rounded  out  with  a  performances  at  two  local  assisted  living  facilities.  We  have  had  some  young
        women join us for our holiday program and hope that they will continue to sing with us through 2018.

        We know that 2018 will bring some significant changes.  We are in the process of selecting music for
        competition and are hoping to welcome some new voices to our chorus in the New Year.  We are also
        bracing ourselves for rehearsals without the giggles of Barb Ticehurst, who at age 92 has decided to
        transition  from  being  an  active  voice  in  the  chorus  to  an  associate  member.  Barb  was  one  of  the
        founding members of the Valley Chords and has been a stable and grounding influence on our chorus as
        well as an ambassador for us in the community.  We will miss her regular attendance but hope that she
        will stay in touch as a Valley Chords groupie and occasional guest singer.


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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