Page 21 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 21

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Harmony on the Sound Chorus

        What a terrific fall we had!  We got to spend an   In  November  we  participated  in  the  5th  Annual
        extended  weekend  with  the  spectacular  Vickie   Sing Off A Cappella Concert.  Sponsored by the
        Maybury,  as  she  coached  us  on  the  two  nights   Holy  Advent  Church  of  Clinton,  proceeds
        prior to Fall Regional Weekend.  All of you got   benefitted the South Park Inn Veteran’s Shelter.
        to have the Vickie experience there, and we were   We performed first, so we were able to then sit
        happy  to  share  her  with  you.  Thank  you  to   back  and  watch  the  other  two  groups  –  “Time
        everyone for the great send- off we got!        Check”  from  Marist  College  and  “Conn  Men”
                                                        from  UConn.   It  was  so  much  fun  to  listen  to
        Going  to  Las  Vegas  a  second  time  to  represent   these young talented guys!
        Region  1  was  such  a  privilege  for  us.  And
        sharing  the  experience  with  VOCE,  Boston
        Accent  and  Farmington  Valley  Chorus  was  a
        treat.  And as many of you saw on Facebook, we
        got into a little mischief, as can be expected from
        us!  The  dresses  we  wore  under  our  gorgeous
        capes had been cut up and repurposed, and it was
        decided that we wouldn’t be wearing them again.
        Therefore,  we  commenced  with  drowning  the
        gowns,  Vegas style, in  one  of the  MGM  Grand
        pools!  The  funny  thing  is  that  the  life  guards
        didn’t even blink an eye.  They’ve seen it all!

                                                        December brought the perfect holiday gift to us!
                                                        We  were  coached  by  the  fabulous  2018  Sweet
                                                        Adeline Quartet Champion, “Lustre!”  These four
                                                        ladies can really sing, but we’re here to tell you
                                                        that  they  can  also  really  coach.  They  are  kind
                                                        and  approachable too, and  they  fit right in  with
                                                        us.  On  Saturday  night  they  appeared  as  our
                                                        special  guests  in  our  holiday  show!  We  had  a
                                                        packed  house,  and  their  performance  blew
                                                        everyone away!

                                                        The new year brings competition prep, and we’re
                                                        looking forward to welcoming Pride of Portland
        When we returned, we hosted a guest night, and   Master 700 Director Ryan Heller as our coach the
        had 11 visitors!  It always gives us a big energy   first weekend in January.  Then, Vickie will join
        boost to have visitors.  Like all chapters, there is   us for retreat in February.  HOTS keeps on rockin
        an ebb and flow to our membership numbers, and   and  rollin,  and  looking  forward  to  a  fabulous
        seeing  new  people  who  could  become  members   2018!
        gives us hope for the future.
                                                                                            Patti Lavernoich


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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