Page 19 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 19

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Farmington Valley Chorus

        Farmington  Valley  has  been  busier  than  a  one
        armed paper hanger!

        Vegas  was  a  blast.  We  had  so  much  fun
        performing our package. When the Queens in the
        front row jump to their feet in a standing O, then
        what the judges say is null and void in our minds.
        We  rocked  that  crowd.  Lynn  Smith  and  Joe
        Connelly came in earlier to give us the spit shine.
        Joe Spiecker, Music Director from Valley Forge
        Chorus who arranged our contest tune, stopped in
        for  the  pre-game  warmup  and  Deb  Richards
        delivered good luck lady bugs from the Region.
        We couldn’t have been happier.

        Our  Pat  Coffey  got  to  go  on  the  International
        Stage  twice.  Pat  excitedly  received  her  50  year
        pin.  As  she  said  ”It’s  not  the  pin,  it’s  the
        journey”  and  from  the  stories  she  tells  us,  her   Representative John Hampton and Cheryl
        journey  was  a  wild  one.  Right  now  she’s  on  a
        medical  journey  none  of  us  want  to  be  on,  so
        sending your good thoughts and prayers her way    Being third in the world is nothing to sneeze at
        would be greatly appreciated                      especially  when  the  state  you  hail  from
                                                          recognizes  your  accomplishment.  Connecticut
                                                          State  Representative,  John  Hampton,  presented
                                                          Farmington Valley with a Citation from the State
                                                          of  Connecticut  for  our  performance  at
                                                          International, and our dedication to our craft. He
                                                          even  stayed  up  past  midnight  to  watch  the
                                                          webcast. Okay, to let the cat out of the bag, his
                                                          Mom was one of the first FVC members 40 years
                                                          ago.  He  remembers  them  doing  “Ring  Them
                                                          Bells”  back  then.  She  passed  away  earlier  this
                                                          year  after  a  long  illness.  This  performance
                                                          brought back wonderful memories for him.

                                                          With  International  Competition  comes  a  lot  of
        Congratulations  to  Voce,  Boston  Accent  and   extra   rehearsals   and   weekend   coaching.
        HOTS for thriving and surviving another year in   Sometimes  our  regular  rehearsal  sight  was  not
        Vegas.  If  Farmington  Valley  ever  earns  the   available. What to  do?  Call in the troops in the
        privilege of returning to International you can bet   form of Laura Towles. She traveled and talked to
        your  bottom  dollar  we’ll  be  ecstatic  it’s  not  in   MANY  secretaries  of  MANY  places  that  could
        Vegas.  But..  as they  say…  be  careful  what  you   possibly  accommodate  us.  We  needed the  room
        wish for.                                         to be wide enough and tall enough for the risers,


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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