Page 17 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 17

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

        Coastline Show Chorus (continued)

        Coastline  has  had  a  tradition  of  gathering  after
        the holiday show to tailgate and sing together at
        La  Salette  Shrine,  where  a  fantastic  display  of
        holiday  lights  draw  thousands  of  visitors  every
        weekend  evening  during  the  holiday  season.
        While it is a frigid time of year-warm hearts, hot
        food  and  soaring  spirits  continue  to  make  it  an
        enjoyable event unto itself.

                                                                 Tailgating with CSC after Holiday Show

                                                        Coastline Show Chorus is learning new music on
                                                        our brief hiatus for the holidays and looks forward
                                                        to  back  to  back  weekends  in  January  spent
                                                        coaching  at  a  retreat  and  at  Winter  Regional

                                                        May 2018 be a year of musical growth and joyful
                                                        performances for all of Region One!

                                                                                         Sarah Douglas

                  Jen and Pam at the Holiday Party

        Coastline  members  individually  and  collectively
        celebrated  the  season  as  we  gathered  December
        13  for our annual holiday party. Four Fun, Leo
        and  male  guest  quartet,  Daily  Special,
        entertained. Jenn Flamand was again the costume
        winner with her Feliz Navidad themed get-up.


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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