Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

                                           Director’s Corner

           Hello Region 1 and Happy New Year!

           As we head into the New Year it is a great time to assess where we have been and look to where we
           want to go.

           For most of us, the change of the calendar also means preparing for contest. Is this a fun time for you
           and your chorus, or is it stressful? Can you think of ways to make the learning exciting and rewarding
           rather than hard work? Do you take a little time to be grateful and appreciate how far you have come
           instead of only looking at how far you have to go? Perspective can make a big difference in your
           attitude, and your attitude makes all the difference in your happiness.

           So in the words of that great philosopher Bobby McFerrin, “Don’t worry, be happy.” It is the journey
           that can give us the most satisfaction.

           Best wishes for happy choruses and beautiful harmonies,

           Eileen Gioe
           Chorus Director Liaison
           Education Resource Team


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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