Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2018

                             From our Regional Education Director

          Happy 2018 Region 1!!

          It has been an interesting year thus far, adjusting   For  them,  this  can  be  a  big  burden,  but  that  is
          to  the  new  regional  governance  and  everything   why they get paid the big bucks!  LOL  Also the
          that comes with it.  I can see why  International   Directors  need  the  support  of  everyone  else;  so
          required experienced people to be in position, as   it’s like a big circle, where any part of the chorus
          it  has  been  a  learning  experience….in  a  good   cog in a wheel that is weak is going to have an
          way!    It  incorporates  a  total  new  way  of   impact on the whole.  I challenge everyone who
          thinking….delegation….mentors….etc.  It will be   is part of the cog to challenge themselves to be
          great for us and the organization as a whole.   the best they can be and more!  Think about the
                                                          impact  and  effect  this  could  make,  not  only  on
          I  have  worked  on  a  regional strategic  education   your  group,  but  the  whole  region.    Strongly
          plan, figuring out what we want to aim for in the   encourage  other  chorus  members  to  come  to
          future and steps to get there.  Marian Minnich is   regional events so that they will be hearing what
          the General Education Specialist and I have been   you are hearing in the classes, and therefore you
          delegating a lot to her, so she’ll be ready to take   all will be that much closer to understanding what
          over the position from me when the time comes!   you need to be doing to produce a good product.

          My goal is to make the Regionals educational as   Never  allow  yourself  to  stop  learning,  to  stop
          well as fun!    Everyone on my team, the regional   wanting to get better……
          faculty, and those behind the scenes are working
          hard to make Region 1 the best it can be.       And   while   I’m   on    my   soapbox…….

          The  Region…..YOU…..have  responded  well  to   How    did   you   get   involved   in   this
          the  classes  being  presented  due  to  the  judges   organization?    Who  roped  you  in?    Have  you
          comments,  such  as  the  Vocal  Production     thanked them lately?  Do you remember the first
          Building Blocks, which is great!  We never stop   time  you  heard  the  close  harmony?    Why  not
          learning,   until   we   decide   to    stop    share that excitement with everyone you see?  I
          learning……which     would   be   a   bad/sad    feel   we   are   one   of   the   best   kept
          thing.    Even  though  you  think  you  have  heard   secrets!    Whenever  I’m  out  and  hear  someone
          everything, a faculty member will say something   talking in the lower register, I ask if they sing.
          slightly different than you’ve heard before, and it
          will   resonate   with   you.      The   more   Our region has 800ish members.  Years ago we
          education/knowledge  we  can  accumulate  will   were closer to 1300.  Again…..a challenge for
          make us stronger.                               each one of you……how cool would it be if each
                                                          one of us brought in ONE new member!!!!  Let’s
          I feel the Directors are the backbone of a chorus.   do it!  The challenge is on…..
          They  come  prepared  to  make  the  rehearsals
          educational,  and  fun  so  that  we  come  away   Climbing off the soapbox……temporarily…..
          wanting  more.  Directors  have  a  HUGE
          responsibility  to  reflect  on  their  skill  set,  their   Let us know what we can do for you.  As with
          strengths  and  weaknesses  and  work  on  the   anything else……we are only as strong as our
          weaknesses.    This    will   make     them     weakest link……so we need to keep raising that
          stronger,  thereby making the chorus stronger.   weakest link higher.  (continued on next page)


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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