Page 10 - 2022 Contest Edition Tags & Swipes Newsletter
P. 10
Tags and Swipes, Contest 2022
Merrimack Valley A Cappella (continued)
At the beginning of June we were back in familiar territory in Wilmington, Mass., our former rehearsal
home, performing at the local farmer’s market as we have done many times over the years. We will be
resuming our appearances at senior living residences with a concert at the end of the month, also in
We were very happy to welcome longtime Region 1 director (Liberty Belle Chorus/Boston Skyline Chorus
and founding member/Merrimack Valley Chorus) Barbara Braxten to one of our rehearsals. She led the
chorus through some vocal warm-ups and a heartfelt rendition of How We Sang. BB talked about how
much she likes what she calls our unique “Merrimack Sound” and said how much she enjoyed our Open
Division video.
Patricia Smith
Zoom Props for our opening number
Quartet medalist Quartet medalists
Region 15: Region 1:
Becky King Patti Newman (left)
Sally Jeffery
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines