Page 12 - 2022 Contest Edition Tags & Swipes Newsletter
P. 12
Tags and Swipes, Contest 2022
Post Road Chorus (continued)
We prepared and submitted a video for the regional convention and will review the comments and
suggestions made by the judging panel. We missed seeing everyone in Springfield in May, but hope that
each chorus and quartet was able to participate in the manner most comfortable for themselves.
Our current plans are to sing the National Anthem at The Bravehearts’ game (Worcester’s FCBL team)
on June 26th, and perform at a “Christmas in July” tea at the Asa Waters Mansion in Millbury, MA. We
are waiting for confirmation for a few other performance possibilites this summer.
Our efforts to build our chorus while supporting and sustaining current members continue as we remain
optimistic and dedicated to each other and to song.
Deborah Cormier
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines