Page 5 - The Way the IKEA manages the Global Environment
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Ways IKEA handled the global environment
Strategic human resource management is a department which is normally designed to enable the organization to
achieve the needs of their employees in an effective manner and at same time achieving the organizational goals.
The human resource manager handles all the facets in the organization that affects the employees; these include
employment, issues of salaries, promotions and the training of the employees. In addition to these, the human
resource manager is concerned with the motivation of the employees, providing information about safety
procedures and holidays for employees. The main duty of the human resource manager is to supervise and control
the employees in the organization. This position of a human resource manager requires thinking ahead and
strategizing on how the organization will meet the employees’ needs. This determines how the business will be
carried out, improving management issues like hiring and training programs of the employees to ensure that they
are equip with the necessary skills.
For the Human resource manager practices to result in high performance and successful results in an organization,
they must divide it management process into five steps; these are:
a) mission and goals
b) environmental analysis
c) strategic formulation
d) strategic implementation
e) strategic evaluation.
An effective Human resource manager in the organization ensures that the mission and goals of the organization
are clearly outlined so that all the organizational staff starting from the top management to the employees knows
the mission of the firm and are up to meeting these goals. Human resource managers who clarify the mission
statement of an organization improves the performances of the organization, for example the mission statement
of IKEA Company is to create a better everyday life for as many people as possible – with lower prices of goods
which make it affordable to all people regardless of their social class. This has enabled the IKEA Company to
maintain their position as a market leader, furthermore it has facilitated the company to be recognized worldwide
and create a customer’s loyalty towards the company. This is clear evidence that the high performances of the
human resource managers can lead to the success of the organization. The Human resource manager should
further state the means of achieving the organizational objectives both short term and long term, he should design
effective strategies to be implemented, select the team which is implementing those strategies with the aim of
attaining organizational goals. This is a very sensitive issue because it will determine the future of the company
and thus it needs careful implementation and control. Both the human resource manager and the team which is
responsible for implementation should analyse the actual results of the strategies implemented and evaluate them
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