Page 4 - GTMF Strategic Direction - 2023-2027.indd
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        The development of our new Strategic Plan was a year-long process with four distinct phases:

        Phase 1:  Stakeholder Interviews & Surveys

        The first step was to understand
        our strengths and weaknesses
        from the perspectives of our
        closest constituents—current
        and former Board members,
        musicians, and staff. There were
        three major components to our
        initial fact-finding.

        Phase 2:  Redefining our Vision, Mission & Values        Phase 3:  Audience Survey & Facilities Assessment

        Data from the initial interviews and surveys gave us an   Early stakeholder interviews and surveys painted an initial
        understanding of the views shared by many of our key     picture of GTMF’s strengths and opportunities. Two additional
        stakeholders. This enabled us to revise our Vision & Mission   fact-finding projects clarified them. Market research firm
        and define Values for the organization. Our Vision describes   Prescott and Associates surveyed the GTMF audience.
        what we aspire to be. Our Mission describes how our community   Consulting group Theatre Projects assessed the facilities at
        and audiences are changed by what we do. Our Values guide our   Walk Festival Hall. Summaries of the audience survey and
        conduct and decisions as we pursue our Mission. Please see our   facilities assessment are available upon request.
        Vision, Mission and Values on page 7.

                                                                 Phase 4: Defining GTMF’s Current Position

                                                                 Over multiple meetings in 2022, including three summit
                                                                 meetings on core topics in October, GTMF’s Strategic
                                                                 Vision Committee assessed GTMF’s current position and
                                                                 arrived at the following conclusions:

                                                                   •  The high quality of GTMF’s programming and
                                                                     performers is a major asset of the Festival.
                                                                     The excellence of the Festival Orchestra and
                                                                     the leadership of Music Director Sir Donald
                                                                     Runnicles were most frequently cited as GTMF’s
                                                                     greatest strengths.

                                                 Photo: Cody Downard

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