Page 6 - GTMF Strategic Direction - 2023-2027.indd
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         Given its findings and the summary conclusions, the Strategic   ability to perform its mission for decades to come, we must also
         Vision Committee has identified three ambitious goals for the   strengthen the resource base that supports our programming.
         Festival over the next five years. To achieve them, GTMF must   Accordingly, GTMF will conduct a feasibility study in 2023 to
         secure financial resources above and beyond normal fundraising,  establish the scope and structure of a campaign to fund the
         ticket sales, and endowment revenue. To safeguard GTMF’s   strategic goals set forth below and to double our endowment.

        GOAL 1

        GTMF will promote the enthusiastic support of its donors and patrons, recognition from national media, and eager participation of
        world-class orchestral musicians and soloists through consistent artistic excellence led by an engaged and respected Music Director.

        To achieve this artistic goal, GTMF will:                   year-round offerings, taking note of artists and programs
          •  Continue providing a superb performance culture led by a Music   that generate the greatest engagement.
            Director who is able to draw artists to our Summer Festival and   •  To attract new patrons and to make GTMF concerts accessible
            who inspires audiences and artists alike.               for patrons who are no longer able to attend in person, we will
          •  Increase our Festival Orchestra stipend to offer musicians both   continue to offer free livestreams, Wyoming PBS broadcasts,
            an artistic experience and compensation that meets or exceeds   and our national radio/podcast program, Live from the Grand
            what is offered by peer festivals.                      Teton Music Festival. We also will produce an internationally
          •  Continue investing in livestreaming, broadcasting, and   distributed commercial recording every other year.
            recording to reach the music world beyond Jackson.   •  To make music more accessible to everyone in our Jackson Hole
                                                                    and surrounding communities, we will:
        GTMF will expand and deepen connections to a broader audience.    » Continue to offer free musical experiences to people of all ages
         •  To continue engaging our core audience, we will keep our    through our Education and Community Engagement programs.
            Music Director and the Festival Orchestra at the center of our     » Continue to offer affordable GTMF concert tickets to
            summer programming.                                       residents and community partners.
         •  To broaden our audience, GTMF will present non-orchestral     » Identify which types of year-round programming
            concerts in our summer Gateway Series and through our     speak most to our community.

        GOAL 2
        GTMF will reinvigorate Walk Festival Hall to renew its comfort, accessibility, utility, longevity, and aesthetic appeal for our
        audiences and performers.
         •  GTMF’s 2024 season will mark the 50  anniversary of our   •  GTMF will also consider more ambitious upgrades identified
            revered venue. The Hall’s acoustics are celebrated, but its   by our theatre consultants, with the goal of transforming the
            amenities for both musicians and patrons (including stage   Hall into a superb concert venue for the next 50 years, all while
            equipment, performance lighting, audio-visual system, seating,   preserving its celebrated acoustics.
            accessibility, decking and restrooms, and mechanical systems)   •  To maximize the benefit of these upgrades, GTMF also will
            do not meet present-day standards.                      assess opportunities for greater utilization of the Hall beyond
         •  In 2023, GTMF will begin upgrading crucial amenities in Walk   the eight weeks of the summer festival.
            Festival Hall, chosen for their direct effect on the quality of the
            musician and patron experience.

        GOAL 3

        GTMF will secure assured access to high-quality, affordable housing to accommodate 80 of our musicians during the Summer Festival.
         •  The housing crisis that developed in Jackson Hole during the pandemic poses an existential threat to GTMF’s ability to assure
            guaranteed access to sufficient, suitable housing for its orchestral musicians at a sustainable cost.
         •  To stabilize housing costs, GTMF must build, buy, or otherwise secure guaranteed, long-term access to at least 80 bedrooms per festival week.

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