Page 7 - GTMF Strategic Direction - 2023-2027.indd
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We strive for the highest quality in our musical artistry,
our performance production, our organizational
operations, and our service to our community.
We effectively raise and carefully steward
the financial resources necessary to sustain
our mission.
We recognize and embrace change, and we
Photo: Chris Lee
strive to respond with innovation and resilience.
We serve our community through music, aspiring
To be among the finest music festivals in the
world and a vital part of Jackson Hole’s to enrich the distinctive culture of Jackson Hole
distinctive culture of excellence. and to connect with audiences of all ages.
OUR MISSION We seek to maintain a culture of courtesy,
appreciation, accessibility, openness, and
To engage, entertain, educate, and inspire our inclusion for all community members.
resident and seasonal communities through
exhilarating musical experiences.
GTMF is more relevant to its artists, audience, and community than ever before. But our environment is not static.
Left unchecked, our lagging musician stipend, the increasing cost of our musician housing, our aging patron base, and
our growing list of necessary upgrades to our 50-year-old hall threaten to undermine what the Festival has accomplished.
To own our future, we must address these challenges. This is the purpose of our strategic plan. Following the road
map established by our vision, mission and values, as well as by the goals laid out in this plan, we are empowered to
navigate the challenges of the next five years. With this new strategic plan as our guide, we set a course for a brighter
future of our own choosing — a future in which the excellence of our beloved Festival can flourish.
GTMF Strategic Direction, 2023-2027 | Page 7