Page 125 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 125

July 26 & 27
               PROGRAM NOTES

                Franz Joseph Haydn

                Symphony No. 88 in G Major

               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1732
               Died: 1809
               Date of Composition: 1787
               Instrumentation: Symphony
               No. 88 in G Major is scored for
               flute, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons,
               2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani
               and strings.

               It was Joseph Haydn’s karma to
               come of age as the Baroque style
               was morphing into the Viennese
               Classical. With that came a bevy
               of innovative genres that suited
               the new era’s more public and
               populist listeners. Symphony
               replaced concerto grosso and
               string quartet replaced trio sonata.
               Haydn was perfectly situated to
               get in on the ground floor of such
               exciting developments, and in the
               process became, if not the actual
               inventor of the symphony, at least
               its patron saint.
               Newcomers to Haydn’s symphonies
               might be overwhelmed by their                   Franz Joseph Haydn — Royal Collection
               abundance; they number well
               over 100. Fortunately, some
               fall into handy groups, such as
               the six written for a lavish Paris   might dub them the “English   compositional legerdemain
               commission (numbers 82-87)       Channel” Symphonies.)            combined with forthright
               and the final set of 12 stemming   Symphony No. 88 in G Major,    expressivity and honest cordiality.
               from Haydn’s London visits in    commissioned by violinist-       Joseph Haydn was amongst
               the 1790s (numbers 93-104).      turned-promoter Johann Tost,     the least neurotic of the great
               Between those we find numbers    stands high amongst Haydn’s      composers, and his music is
               88 through 92, often overlooked   finest symphonic achievements.   always good for what ails you.
               amidst their better-known        Here we have Haydn’s             But that doesn’t make it insipid.
               brethren. (Because they are      sophisticated craftsmanship at its    There’s an innate muscularity
               situated between the “Paris”     fullest evolution, in a downright   and robust physicality to Haydn’s
               and “London” groups, one         breathtaking display of          best work, as Symphony No. 88

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