Page 127 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 127

July 26 & 27
               PROGRAM NOTES

               connect the personal upheavals   although Mahler exhibited a      understand these works
               of this period with the vast     pervasive fear of death, he also   properly would be to see my life
               emotional scope of his Symphony   found it subtly attractive. “I will   transparently revealed in them.”
               No. 5 in C-sharp minor, completed   die, in order to live,” Mahler stated   Nevertheless, in the Fifth Mahler
               in 1902 but not performed until   in a line he added to Klopstock’s   sought a relatively abstract
               two years later.                 poem in the Second Symphony’s    approach to composition, in
               In the Fifth Symphony Mahler     finale. Of his 1901 hemorrhage, he   which the working out of ideas
               dispensed with his practice of   wrote that “while I was hovering    provides the underlying logic
               incorporating his lieder into his   on the border between life and   from which all else springs.
               symphonies. All but the First    death, I wondered whether it     Mahler was, after all, one of the
               Symphony include vocal passages,    would not be better to have done   great conductors of history, an
               while the First features an      with it at once, since everyone   expert on all matters orchestral.
               instrumental take on “Die zwei   must come to that in the end.”   He was deeply familiar with
               blauen Augen von meinen Schatz”   Nostalgia also informs the Fifth,   the works of his symphonic
               from Lieder eines fahrenden      particularly an ache for a past   predecessors such as Beethoven,
               Gesellen. Now in the Fifth       that may not have actually existed.    whose Fifth Symphony must have
               Symphony he would avoid sung     This idealized place of happy    been on Mahler’s mind at least
               text, focus on exclusively       peasants dancing ländlers on     to some extent in writing his own
               instrumental writing and trust his   the sunlit village green may well   Fifth. (It can’t be a coincidence
               listeners to draw their own      have been drawn from Mahler’s    that the opening figure of the
               inferences without verbal clues.   memories of his childhood, some   Mahler Fifth closely resembles
               Which isn’t to say that the Fifth    blissful and others anguished.   Beethoven’s four-note “fate”
               is without programmatic          “Composing is like playing with   motif, nor that both symphonies
               aspects. For Mahler, like most    bricks, continually making new   follow a trajectory that begins in
               late Romantics, extra-musical    buildings from the same old      darkness and ends in light.)
               associations were bedrock        stones,” he wrote in 1899 to     The Mahler Fifth is a gigantic
               elements of everyday musicianship,    confidant Natalie Bauer-Lechner.    symphony, laid out in three
               indispensable and pervasive.     “But the stones have lain there   fundamental parts that encompass
               Intimations of death thread      since one’s youth, which is the   five separate movements. Part 1
               through this symphony, much      only time for gathering and      consists of both first and second
               as they do in much of Mahler’s   hoarding them.” Those memories    movements, starting with a
               work. For Mahler, mortality was   are often cited as fueling at    Trauermarsch, or funeral march.
               an idée fixe, excessive even     least some of the discontinuities   Mahler’s performance indication
               in the context of the literary   that are so common in Mahler’s   is downright incisive, telegraphic
               “death cult” so pervasive in     music. Biographer Henri-Louis    directives closed by periods:
               turn-of-the-century Vienna. It   de La Grange described           “With measured pace. Strict. Like
               likely stemmed from his own      Mahler’s works as being filled   a cortège.” That measured pace is
               experiences: half of his siblings   with intrusions, some of which   not maintained throughout,
               died before the age of three,    might be quotations of music     however, but is broken by a
               three more died young, and his   that Mahler heard in his youth.   powerful passage of shattering
               own daughter Maria died at the   There is a substantial amount    violence before resuming the
               age of five. Thus the many dirges   of autobiography in Mahler’s   steady tread of the opening. In
               in Mahler’s symphonies, not to   compositions, far more than is   keeping with the symphony’s roots
               mention in song cycles such as   encountered in most composers.   in abstract music, the movement is
               Kindertotenlieder; Das Knaben    Mahler himself encouraged such   structured in a blend of rondo and
               Wunderhorn; his settings of      thinking, as when he wrote to    classic sonata-allegro form.
               Rückert poems and even his first   Bauer-Lechner in 1893 that     Mahler described the second
               major work, Das klagende Lied,   “my two symphonies contain the   movement (“Violently agitated.
               which concerns fratricide. But   inner aspect of my whole life… to

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