Page 128 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 128

July 26 & 27                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Symphony No. 5 in                The fifth movement follows the
            C-sharp minor                    Adagietto without pause. Bearing
                                             the straightforward marking of
            continued                        allegro, it brims with cheerful
                                             optimism and high spirits. Even
            With great vehemence”) as the    Mahler’s choice of key reflects
            true opening of the symphony,    that happy demeanor; D Major
            with the previous material serving    elicits an overall bright sound
            as an extended introduction.     from orchestral instruments and
            Violence, strife and storm prevail;   is commonly encountered in
            the mood never quite settles,    upbeat, positive compositions.
            although the first movement’s    Consider the joyous Second
            funeral march recurs several     Symphonies of both Brahms and
            times. Nota bene: a broad        Beethoven, Haydn’s radiant
            chorale melody arises in the     final “London” Symphony, and
            brass towards the end of the     Mozart’s propulsive “Paris” and
            movement; it will feature strongly   “Haffner” Symphonies—D Major
            in the symphony’s lustrous       all. The thematic materials are
            final moments.                   mostly sturdy, stepwise tunes
            Part 2 consists of a single      that stride along in brisk cut time.
            movement, an extensive Scherzo   Thus the epic drama of the Mahler
            of breathtaking optimism and joy.   Fifth culminates in resplendent
            Mahler referred to it as “mankind   music that radiates a healthy
            in the full brightness of day, at   robustness, assertive without
            the zenith of life.” Described as   being overbearing, a young man’s
            “perhaps the most Austrian of    joy in his vigor and the limitless
            all Mahler’s movements,” it avoids   possibilities of his future.
            any hint of parody, caricature
            or exaggeration.

            Part 3 opens with the Adagietto,
            easily the most familiar movement   © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
            amongst Mahler’s symphonies.
            Scored for a stripped-down
            ensemble of strings and harp, it
            has stepped out of the symphony
            to serve in various guises, including
            as Leonard Bernstein’s memoriam
            to President John F. Kennedy.
            Dutch conductor Willem
            Mengelberg was convinced that
            it was Mahler’s “declaration of
            love for Alma! Instead of a letter,
            he sent her this manuscript
            without further explanation.
            She understood and wrote back
            that he should come!!! Both
            have told me this!” (Vintage
            Mengelbergian bombast, especially
            all those exclamation points.)

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