Page 126 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 126

July 26 & 27                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Symphony No. 88
            in G Major


            handily demonstrates. The first
            movement opens with a slow
            introduction, then launches into
            a sonata-form Allegro that spins
            more or less everything out of its
            opening figure—a practice that
            Haydn shares with Beethoven
            and, perhaps most significantly,
            Brahms, who said of Haydn’s
            Largo slow movement that “I want
            my Ninth Symphony to sound
            like this.” A lyrical and leisurely
            contrast to the first movement’s
            taut energy, that Largo gifts its
            listeners with solos from both
            oboe and cello in addition to its
            exquisite primary melody.
            Haydn’s minuets tend towards
            the rustic, nowhere more than
            here. Of particular interest is its
            central trio with its underlying               Gustav Mahler — Moritz Nähr
            bagpipe-like drones and aura
            of countrified coziness, not to
            mention gentle satire as our
            town pipers appear to lose count   Gustav Mahler
            there for a bit.
                                             Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor
            Then comes the concluding
            Allegro con spirito, a downright
            flabbergasting display of technical    AT A GLANCE                Gustav Mahler entered a period
            virtuosity as Haydn fashions                                      of intense personal transformation
            an extended rondo without the                                     starting in 1901. The initial catalyst
            usual thematic contrasts; instead,   Born: 1860                   was likely his near death from
            he spins the whole thing out     Died: 1911                       a severe intestinal hemorrhage
            of a single melodic idea in      Date of Composition: 1901-1902   on February 24 of that year.
            borderline moto perpetuo         Instrumentation: Symphony        Countering the lonely anguish
            rhythm. (Calling all teachers:    No. 5 in C-sharp minor is scored   of facing his potential demise
            be advised that choosing this    for 4 flutes (all doubling piccolo),   was the warmth and promise of
            movement for an introductory     3 oboes, (3  doubling English    his engagement to the beautiful
            lesson on rondo form may lead    horn), 3 clarinets, (3  doubling   and gifted Alma Schindler; they
            to pedagogical Waterloo.)        bass clarinet), 3 bassoons,      would be married on March 9,
                                             (3  doubling contrabassoon),     1902 with two daughters soon to
                                             6 horns, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones,   follow. Given Mahler’s propensity
                                             tuba, timpani, percussion, harp   for reflecting his inner life in his
                                             and strings.                     compositions, it’s reasonable to

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