Page 165 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 165

August 16 & 17
               PROGRAM NOTES

                Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

                The Magic Flute, K. 620

               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1756
               Died: 1791
               Date of Composition: 1791
               Instrumentation: The Magic Flute
               is scored for 2 flutes (1 doubling
               piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets
               (both doubling basset horns),
               2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets,
               3 trombones, glockenspiel,
               timpani and strings.

               It just might be the most pernicious
               myth in all music history. The
               general outline goes like this:
               after a decade on his own in
               Vienna, Wolfgang Mozart can’t
               get work, descends into dire
               poverty and is ravaged by the
               illness that will eventually kill
               him. Somehow he manages to
               squeeze out part of a mysteriously-
               commissioned Requiem Mass
               that he is convinced is killing him.
               He dies mid-phrase during the
               composition of the Lacrimosa and
               there’s not even enough money
               left to pay for a decent funeral. It            Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
               doesn’t help any that a certain
               absolutely terrific movie imagined a
               death scene of almost unbearable    piling up left and right and one of   had a gambling addiction, right
               poignancy, as archrival Antonio   the biggest theatrical successes of   along with much of the Viennese
               Salieri strives to extract just a little   his career in the fall. To be sure,   aristocracy with whom he liked to
               more precious music out of the   he was always broke. But that    hobnob. His clothes had to be at
               dying young man’s mind.          was just the way he was. Mozart   the height of fashion; his children
               But it isn’t true. Let’s consider the   was a dreadful steward of his own   had to go to an expensive school;
               bona fide history, at least insofar   finances, and not even his wife   his wife had to go to the finest
               as we know it. As it turns out,   Constanze’s superior skills along   spas and health centers. He made
               1791 was a bumper-crop year for   those lines could offset his talent   a lot of money, but not that much
               Mozart. He made more money       for letting money slip through his   money. Financial doofus he may
               that year than any other time in   fingers. He was a soft touch and   have been, but impoverished?
               his entire life, with commissions   a compulsive check-grabber. He   Nowhere near. If he were alive

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