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August 16 & 17                                                                 ARTIST BIOGRAPHIES

                                            Photo: Simon Pauly  No. 2 at the Grand Teton Music Festival and Bach’s
                                                             Mass in B minor; St. John Passion and St. Matthew
                                                             Passion at the 2022 Oregon Bach Festival. In more
                                                             recent seasons, she sang Blanche in Les Dialogues
                                                             des Carmélites and reprised the roles of Zdenka in
                                                             Arabella and Musetta in La bohéme, returning to San
                                                             Francisco Opera and the Metropolitan Opera, as well
                                                             as making her house debut at the Teatro Real, Madrid.

                                                             During the curtailed 2020-21 and 2019-20 seasons,
                                                             Stober appeared as Despina in Così fan tutte for the
                                                             Metropolitan Opera, Gretel for San Francisco Opera
                                                             and Despina for Staatsoper Hamburg. She also
                                                             performed a La traviata and Carmen Opera Highlights
                                                             concert and selected songs from Chants d’Auvergne
                                                             by Canteloube with Sir Donald Runnicles at the Grand
                                                             Teton Music Festival. Other recent appearances
                                                             include Zdenka in Arabella and Angelica in Orlando
                                                             for San Francisco Opera; Dalinda in Ariodante for the
                                                             Lyric Opera of Chicago; Antigone in Enescu’s Œdipe
                                                             for Dutch National Opera (house debut) and a return
                                                             to the Deutsche Oper Berlin as Pamina, Micaëla and
                                                             Donna Elvira. Other concert appearances included
                                                             Stravinsky’s Cantata for the LA Philharmonic,
                                                             conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen, and Mahler’s
                                                             Symphony No. 4 for Grand Teton Music Festival.
            Heidi Stober                                     Highlights on the concert platform include Messiah

            Soprano/Pamina                                   with the New York Philharmonic; Mozart’s Requiem
                                                             and the world premiere of Stephen Hartke’s Symphony
                                                             No. 4 conducted by Gustavo Dudamel for the Los
            Stunning audiences with her sterling lyric voice and   Angeles Philharmonic; Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 with
            incisive stage personality, soprano Heidi Stober has   the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra conducted by Edo
            established herself as a house favorite at leading   de Waart; Anne Trulove in The Rake’s Progress with the
            companies on both sides of the Atlantic. Since her   St. Paul Chamber Orchestra; Barber’s Knoxville:
            critically acclaimed debut at the Deutsche Oper   Summer of 1915 with the Oslo Philharmonic and with
            Berlin in the autumn of 2008, Stober has cultivated   the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin; Beethoven’s
            a long-standing relationship with the company, with   Symphony No. 9 with the Baltimore Symphony, the
            recent roles including Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni,    Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and with the
            Micaëla in Carmen, Marguerite in Faust, Adina in   Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin; Brahms’ Requiem
            L’elisir d’amore and Liù in Turandot.            with the Houston Symphony; Handel’s Messiah with
            Stober opened the 2021-22 season as Mother/      the Hong Kong Philharmonic; Carmina Burana with
            Waitress 2/Sphinx 1 in Turnage’s Greek at the Deutsche    the Houston Ballet; Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 with the
            Oper Berlin, where she also sang Donna Clara in   Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin conducted by Mark
            Zemlinsky’s Der Zwerg. Other highlights of the season   Wigglesworth; and a solo recital at Carnegie Hall.
            included Micaëla in Carmen for Houston Grand Opera   Stober’s professional training took place at the
            and Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte for the Semperoper   Houston Grand Opera Studio, and she holds
            Dresden. On the concert platform, she performed   degrees from Lawrence University and the
            Haydn’s Creation with Music of the Baroque in    New England Conservatory.
            Chicago; Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 in Hannover with
            the NDR Radiophilharmonie; Mahler’s Symphony

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