Page 167 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 167

August 16 & 17
               PROGRAM NOTES

               all theatrical masterpieces, it has   Everyman is written in a clean   of benevolence, compassion and
               something for everybody. There’s   folk-song style and Prince Tamino   enlightened humanity.
               a noble prince, a faithful princess,   is supplied with noble lyric arias
               a comic bird-catching sidekick,    out of the best heroic traditions.
               a flinty Queen of the Night, an   Duets, trios, choral and ensemble
               odious villain, a magnanimous    pieces savor of opera buffa and
               high priest. The prince wields a   popular theater. Furthermore,    © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
               magic flute that can change      Mozart made the orchestra a
               sorrow into joy, the bird-catcher    central voice in the drama, using
               has a set of magic bells for     instruments such as the trombone,
               protection, and three angelic little   basset horn and glockenspiel that
               boys guide them through their    were rarely encountered in theater
               quest to rescue the fair princess   orchestras.
               from the clutches of a powerful
               demonic wizard.                  Superficially The Magic Flute is a
                                                singspiel, meaning musical theater
               Said wizard turns out to be a    in the vernacular with spoken
               benevolent elder—this is where   dialog, but while singspiel was
               the Masons come into full play—  typically lowbrow stuff meant to
               and the plot morphs from fantasy   make a quick profit then vanish,
               adventure into barely-concealed   Flute soon surmounted its origins
               Masonic ritual. There’s not much   and wound up in a category of
               point in trying to make sense    its own, rather like A Midsummer
               of the various plot twists and    Night’s Dream or MGM’s 1939 The
               developments, since The Magic    Wizard of Oz. Perhaps our love
               Flute takes place in a fairy-tale   for this singular creation is tinged
               land where two plus two don’t    with regret, knowing as we do
               necessarily make four. And, of   that Mozart would be taken away
               course, it all ends happily. The   from us within a few months. We
               prince gets his princess, the    will never know what he might
               bird-catcher gets his mate, the   have done about the vibrant new
               evil Queen and her henchman      musical theater that The Magic
               get their proper comeuppance.    Flute so radiantly promises. It is
               Light banishes darkness and      said that he was contemplating an
               good triumphs over evil.         operatic version of The Tempest—

               Mozart’s music binds it all      and what a perfect marriage of
               together in a web of enchantment.    composer and material that might
               However frantically overworked   have been! But there’s no point in
               as he might have been, Mozart    crying (well, not too much) over
               fashioned a score that is quite   what can’t be. We have The Magic
               simply a thing of wonder. It is   Flute, after all, and that’s enough.
               most definitely not of a piece but   It never goes stale, never seems
               is instead a glorious gallimaufry.   tired or trite or overplayed. Every
               Drawing freely from the idioms of   day, somewhere in the world,
               18 -century opera, Mozart chose   Prince Tamino and Papageno
               his aria types according to the   are setting forth on their quest
               needs of his characters. Thus the   to rescue the lovely Pamina, the
               Queen of the Night gets a pair   Queen of the Night is raging
               of virtuoso opera seria display   in glittering fury and the noble
               arias, Papageno the bird-catcher   Sarastro is proclaiming his message

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