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August 16 & 17                                                                    PROGRAM NOTES

            The Magic Flute, K. 620          vaudeville schtick and fantasy,   occasional crackpot theory that
                                             the whole wrapped up in a rather   Masonic retaliation was the
            continued                        wonderful meditation on the      cause of Mozart’s early death.)
                                             ultimate triumph of good over    It all comes down to the clouds
            today he’d be rocking an upper-   evil. Mozart’s librettist Emanuel   of suspicion surrounding
            middle-class lifestyle despite
            being up to his eyebrows in      Schikaneder was an old friend    Freemasonry as the flames of
                                             from his Salzburg days who had
                                                                              revolution in France grew ever
            credit-card debt.
                                             established a popular theater    hotter. Emperors and kings alike
            Nor did Mozart show signs of     in the Vienna suburbs. He and    distrusted the Masonic lodges for
            his terminal disease or diseases—  Mozart were fellow Freemasons,   their very secrecy, fearing that
            whatever it was or they          a fraternal order that had peaked   those closed societies were
            were—until quite late in the year.   mid-century and was now fading.   actually hotbeds of revolutionary
            Up to then he was his usual      But as of 1791 the Masons were   fervor. Freemasonry was in clear
            bouncy self, taking on more work   still a force to be reckoned with,   danger of being wiped out,
            than he could handle, waiting    and one can only imagine the     and thus by writing a Masonic
            until the last possible minute to   shocked surprise in store for them   opera that showed the rituals
            meet his deadlines, composing at   at The Magic Flute’s original run.  as beneficial, healing and
            breathtaking speed and producing    Mozart and Schikaneder had filled   ultimately harmless, Mozart and
            a string of gorgeously crafted and                                Schikaneder hoped to dissipate
            inspired works. Those include    the opera with Masonic icons and   some of that mistrust.
                                             practices, such as the “rule of
            his B-flat Major Piano Concerto,
            K. 595; the E-flat Major String   three” that makes itself felt even   It didn’t work. By 1794 Freemasonry
                                             in the overture, as three chords,
                                                                              was no more in Austria. But when
            Quintet, K. 614; vocal and choral
            music; minuets and contredanses   each in a three-note rhythm,    all is said and done, it wasn’t the
                                                                              disguised Masonic ritual that so
                                             provide an interlude. “If a
            for Carnival season; works for
            glass harmonica and mechanical   Master-Mason you would be,       enchanted audiences of the
                                             Observe you well the Rule of
                                                                              original production, which racked
            organ; the Clarinet Concerto;
            the unfinished Requiem and       Three” states a 1723 guidebook    up over 100 performances by
                                             to Masonic practices. That’s just
                                                                              November 1792. What people
            (this is borderline unbelievable)
            two operas.                      one Masonic resonance among      loved, and still love, is Flute’s
                                             many. Most significantly, the    warmth, humor, fantasy and
            One of those operas, La Clemenza   stages of the Masonic progression   deeply abiding humanism. And
            di Tito, was long considered     from darkness to light, i.e.,    then there’s all the spectacle.
            the ugly duckling of Mozart’s    from ignorance to wisdom, are    The opening scene could have
            musical theater catalog, although   deeply embedded in the Magic   stepped out of Peter Jackson’s
            its fortunes have improved       Flute’s libretto.                Lord of the Rings film trilogy: A
            considerably of late. Written in a                                handsome young prince, lost in a
            rush for the coronation of Emperor   And yet the Masonic rituals were   mysterious land and chased by a
                                             bound by a vow of secrecy;
            Leopold II as King of Bohemia,                                    dragon-like monster, faints from
            the recitatives farmed out to    punishments for breaking that    fear. Then three enchantress types
                                             vow were shockingly severe. That
            Mozart’s student Süssmayer, it was                                appear out of nowhere and slay
            dismissed as “German swill” by the   leads to the question of intent. If   the dragon. That’s all within the
                                             Mozart and Schikaneder’s primary
            new Empress. But the other opera                                  first five minutes. Nor does the
            of 1791 was a different matter   goal in writing The Magic Flute   magic stop there; just consider
                                             was to make lots of money from
            altogether: it was The Magic Flute,                               a stage direction that “the
            and it is one of humanity’s most   an engaging populist fantasy,    mountains part asunder.” While it
                                             why would they interweave
            cherished treasures.                                              promises endless possibilities for
                                             thinly-disguised Masonic rituals
            That’s despite a barely coherent    into their sweet little show and risk   stage and costume designers, at
            plot that’s a combination of     the wrath of their fellow Masons?   heart The Magic Flute is simply a
            swords and sorcery adventure,    (One even encounters the         delightful entertainment, and like

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