Page 79 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 79

July 12 & 13
               PROGRAM NOTES

                William Grant Still

                Darker America

               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1895
               Died: 1978
               Date of Composition: 1924
               Instrumentation: Darker America
               is scored for 2 flutes, oboe,
               English horn, 2 clarinets,
               2 bassoons, horn, trumpet,
               trombone, percussion, piano
               and strings.

               William Grant Still pursued a
               long and multivarious career
               that saw him active in an almost
               overwhelming variety of musical
               activities. He studied with Edgard
               Varèse and George Whitefield
               Chadwick. He was the first Black
               composer to have a symphony
               performed by a major orchestra
               and the first Black musician to
               conduct a major orchestra. He
               played the oboe in theater
               orchestras for Eubie Blake, Sophie              William Grant Still — Britannica
               Tucker, Artie Shaw and Paul
               Whiteman. He arranged music for
               NBC radio shows. He wrote nine
               operas. He arranged music for    Composer’s Guild Concert         work opens rather gloomily, with
               film composers, including Dimitri   conducted by Eugene Goossens.   an angular “American Negro”
               Tiomkin for Frank Capra’s Lost   “It was my first effort in a larger   theme that’s given an extra bluesy
               Horizon. He was on the musical    musical form, and of course I   spin by Still’s prominent use of
               staff for the TV show Perry      dedicated it to Mr. Varèse,” Still   the piano. Two more primary
               Mason. And he wrote prolifically   recalled. It was not until a later   themes—“Sorrow” and “Hope”
               for the concert hall—so much so,   performance that Still provided   respectively—follow. A more
               in fact, that much of his output   a descriptive program for the   optimistic mood eventually arises,
               awaits broader discovery.        piece. “Darker America, as its title   leading into “the triumph of the
                                                suggests, is representative of the   people near the end, at which
               Still composed his first large work
               for orchestra in 1924, shortly after   American Negro,” he wrote. “His   point the three principal themes
               his studies with Varèse. Darker   serious side is presented and is   are combined.” However, the
               America received its premiere in   intended to suggest the triumph   melancholic mood of the opening
               New York’s Aeolian Hall in 1926   of a people over their sorrows   returns, and Darker America
               as part of an International      through fervent prayer.” The     ends softly.

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