Page 82 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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July 12 & 13                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Symphony No. 9 in                burdens of proof. The movement    symphonic poems and that crown
            E minor, Op. 95,                 opens with a figure that clearly   jewel of a cello concerto—were
            “From the New World”             references Beethoven’s Ninth     still to come.
                                             Symphony—a work that towers
            continued                        over the 19  century as the
                                             unimpeachable model and
            constructed symphony that draws   unattainable ideal. Overall, the   © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
            much of its thematic material    Scherzo is a folk-inspired dance
            from a few seed ideas, the most   with contrasting episodes (trios)
            important of which is heard at    of a more lyrical nature. True to
            the very opening—four notes,     the symphony’s organicism, the
            E-D-E-B. The slow introduction   first of those episodes introduces
            gives way soon enough to the     a theme that bears more than
            broad Allegro molto that is the  a passing resemblance to Goin’
            movement’s main body, its primary  Home, while the second episode
            theme containing a closing-off   opens with an introverted gloss
            figure that will resurface—albeit  on the first movement’s primary
            dramatically slowed down—as      theme. The Scherzo ends by
            Goin’ Home. The secondary        dissolving into a stillness that
            theme is a variant of the opening  is abruptly shattered by a
            seed idea, its resemblance to    magnificent final hammer blow.
            Swing Low, Sweet Chariot         The Allegro con fuoco finale’s
            notwithstanding. All in all, the first  primary theme harks back to the
            movement is taut and economical  first movement, incorporating as
            despite its length and the       it does a clear reference to the
            all-embracing gusto of its gestures.
                                             opening “seed” idea. Although
            The first movement ends on a     the movement is cast in classical
            minor triad; the Largo begins    sonata form, Dvořák departs from
            on that same triad, now shifted   tradition by subjecting his primary
            to major and transformed into    theme to variations (eventually
            a thing of mystery. The beloved   eight in all) that reinterpret the
            Goin’ Home English horn solo     melody in ways both subtle and
            follows, expansive and intimate,   overt. Given the work’s deep
            supported by discreet strings and   organic unification, a valedictory
            eventually joined by clarinet and   smorgasbord of the various
            bassoon. The movement is written    (unified) themes is more or less
            in three-part form in which      inevitable, after which Dvořák
            statements of the primary theme   wraps it all up in a triumphant
            flank a contrasting episode.     blaze. But a surprise comes
            Listen carefully to that episode   at the very end: the final
            and you might hear echoes of the   chord unexpectedly drops to
            opening “seed” idea stated with   a breathlessly suspended
            extraordinary subtlety.          pianississimo. “What next?”

            Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s     Dvořák appears to be saying.
            poem The Song of Hiawatha        What next, indeed: the “New
            has been floated as Dvořák’s     World” may be Dvořák’s last
            inspiration for the Scherzo,     symphony, but he had a decade
            although assertions to that effect   yet to go, and some of his finest
            cannot meet even minimal         achievements—string quartets,

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