Page 85 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 85

July 12 & 13

               Clarice Assad                                     Orchestra and the Boston Landmarks Orchestra. Her

               Composer                                          works are published in France (Editions Lemoine),
                                                                 Germany (Trekel), Brazil (Criadores do Brasil), and
                                                                 in the US by Virtual Artists Collective Publishing
               A powerful communicator renowned for her musical   (VACP), a publishing company she co-founded with
               scope and versatility, Brazilian-American musician   Steve Schroeder.
               and composer Clarice Assad is a significant artistic
               voice in the classical, world music, pop and jazz   Assad is a celebrated pianist and vocalist who
               genres and is acclaimed for her evocative colors,   inspires audiences to break free of constraints. She
               rich textures and diverse stylistic range.        has released seven solo albums and appeared on
                                                                 or had her works performed on another 34. Her
               Assad is a prolific, GRAMMY® Award-nominated      music is represented on Cedille Records, SONY
               composer with more than 70 works to her credit,   Masterworks, Nonesuch Records, Adventure Music,
               including numerous commissions for Carnegie Hall,   Edge, Telarc, NSS Music, GHA and CHANDOS.
               the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, the
               Boston Youth Orchestra and the Chicago Sinfonietta,   Her innovative VOXploration series on music
               to name a few. Her compositions have been         education, creation and improvisation has been
               recorded by some of the most prominent names      presented throughout the world. Sought-after
               in classical music, including percussionist Dame   by artists and organizations worldwide, the
               Evelyn Glennie, cellist Yo-Yo Ma and violinist Nadja   multi-talented musician continues to attract new
               Salerno-Sonnenberg.                               audiences both onstage and off.
               Assad has served as a composer-in-residence
               for the Albany Symphony, the Cabrillo Festival
               of Contemporary Music, New Century Chamber

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