Page 81 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 81

July 12 & 13
               PROGRAM NOTES

               Antonín Dvořák

               Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, “From the New World”

               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1841
               Died: 1904
               Date of Composition: 1893
               Instrumentation: Symphony
               No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 is scored
               for 2 flutes (2  doubling piccolo),
               2 oboes, English horn, 2 clarinets,
               2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
               3 trombones, tuba, timpani,
               percussion and strings.

               From the premiere of the Dvořák
               Ninth down to the present day,
               music lovers have been divided
               as to how much—if any—actual
               new-world music inspired the
               “New World” Symphony. There are
               those who maintain that at least
               some of the themes originated
               in either African-American or
               Native-American folk songs;
               others point to influences from                 Antonín Dvořák — Wikipedia
               American literature. The opposition
               dismisses all that as the product
               of wishful thinking or confirmation
               bias. Dvořák himself muddied the   with the folk idioms of Dvořák’s   themed movies, commercials,
               waters by first asserting that he   native Bohemia is also a given.   educational videos and the like.
               had been inspired by African-    Thus, its American-ness—or lack   (I first encountered the “New
               American folk music, then later   thereof—is bound to lie mostly in   World” Symphony at age five,
               backtracking and promoting the   the ear of the beholder. Dvořák’s   via a children’s phonograph
               work’s overall Czech character.  student Harry T. Burleigh insisted    record that dramatized Columbus’
               That the “New World” is a late   on Swing Low, Sweet Chariot      first voyage.) Perhaps the work’s
               Romantic symphony in the         as the source of the secondary   mixed origins make the best
               mainline European tradition is    theme in the first movement,    case for its essential American
               unquestioned; its structure,     even though the resemblance is   citizenship, for like most of us, it
               orchestration, scope and overall   only partial. The haunting slow   came here from somewhere else
               mien place it firmly amongst     movement theme was arranged      and was gradually assimilated
               Dvořák’s late works, not to      as the quasi-folk song Goin’     into the great melting pot of
               mention those of his symphonic   Home by one of Dvořák’s          American culture.
               contemporaries—Brahms and        admirers. Consider the ubiquitous    National identity aside, the
               Tchaikovsky above all. That it   co-opting of the Ninth as        Dvořák Ninth is a meticulously
               is soaked through and through    background music for American-

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