Page 80 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 80

July 12 & 13                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Clarice Assad


            AT A GLANCE

            Born: 1978
            Date of Composition: 2023
            Instrumentation: PLAY! is scored
            for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets,
            2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
            2 trombones, tuba, timpani,
            percussion, strings, solo vocalist
            and percussion quartet (who play
            dozens of instruments including
            musicbox, elephant bells, pig
            squeaky toy, slide whistles and
            assorted rubber chickens).

            We aficionados of symphonic and
            chamber music are sometimes
            obliged to tilt against the windmills          Clarice Assad
            of misleading names for the
            music we love, such as the
            wholly inappropriate “classical”
            music. Even worse is “serious”   from life’s stresses, fostering   that exhorts us to make journeys
            music, a veritable albatross of a   creativity and imagination… yet,   of self-discovery. The finale is
            label that conjures up images of   darker shades exist, like a child   named Kinetic Energy and it’s
            beetle-browed old duffers toiling   toying with fire or a devious    just that—a virtuoso blowout for
            away at lugubrious compositions    mind playing psychological     everybody involved.
            that, to borrow a line from      games,” she tells us. “Play has   “I’m so excited for this work,”
            English comedian Anna Russell,   always meant exploring new       says Francesco Lecce-Chong,
            we should all listen to even if    worlds and finding awe in the   Music Director of the Santa Rosa
            we don’t like them.              little things. As an artist, I seek   Symphony, lead commissioner
            How grim. But that’s not how     connections throughout playful   of PLAY! together with
            composer-pianist-poet-singer-    art, transcending differences    co-commissioners Wheeling
            teacher Clarice Assad sees it.   and worries, uniting us in a     Symphony Orchestra and Grand
            Consider what it is that we do   harmonious symphony of life.”    Teton Music Festival. “Clarice
            with a piece of music: we play it,   PLAY! is structured in three   has such a wonderful sense of
            that’s what. Play. Music is played   movements. Tick, tock, scrape,   adventure and fun in her music.”
            by players. Thus play is “a word of   pinch, blow, hit, splash, rip is
            boundless meanings” says Assad,   all about narration, theatrical   Lead Commissioner:
            whose wide-ranging interests, from   elements, sound effects and even   Santa Rosa Symphony
            jazz through Brazilian and other   “foley”—i.e., those manufactured   Resident Orchestra of the Green
            world music, inform her 2023     sounds that accompany movie      Music Center
            PLAY! Concerto for percussion    action such as splashes, crashes   Co-Commissioners:
            quartet, vocalist and orchestra.   and bangs. The Hour features a   Grand Teton Music Festival
            For some, play “offers an escape   vocal soloist with text by Assad   Wheeling Symphony Orchestra

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