Page 6 - GTMF Capital Campaign 2024
P. 6

Invest                                                     The Festival Orchestra is the heart of our identity. This

                                                                   was a key—but not a surprising—finding of GTMF’s
                                                                   recent strategic planning process. Through interviews,
        in Festival                                                focus groups, and surveys of musicians, Board members,
                                                                   staff, donors, and patrons, the organization’s primary
                                                                   assets are clear. Over and over, people identified

        Orchestra                                                  the excellence of the Festival Orchestra and the
                                                                   leadership of Music Director Sir Donald Runnicles
                                                                   as GTMF’s greatest strengths.

        Musicians                                                  Scores of musicians have been performing with the
                                                                   Festival for decades. Many use time off from high-profile
                                                                   positions at the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, New York
                                                                   Philharmonic, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and others
                                                                   to make music with us.

                                                                   Players become recharged and inspired during their time
                                                                   in the Tetons. That makes GTMF special. The Festival is
                                                                   a place where musicians rediscover the joy of playing
                                                                   and find new meaning in the music. When they leave,
                                                                   they take that renewed spirit with them to 75 orchestras
                                                                   and 55 institutions of higher learning in cities around the
                                                                   world, from Austin to Auckland, Boston to Berlin.

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