Page 9 - GTMF Capital Campaign 2024
P. 9

To	stabilize	housing,	the	Festival	set	a	goal	in	the	      Every operating dollar we spend on housing is a dollar
        Strategic	Plan	to	increase	the	number	of	free	             we can’t invest in artists, concerts, or community programs.
        bedrooms	it	can	reliably	access	each	summer	to	80.         A larger endowment will reduce the burden of housing
        		                                                         costs on annual operations and limit exposure to rental
                                                                   market volatility. Ultimately, this will free up resources for
                                                                   Maestro Runnicles to dream bigger and the Festival to
        •  Today we have access to 39 rooms.                       invest more in musicians, music, and free programs that
                                                                   will inspire people across our community.
        •  GTMF is finalizing an agreement to secure decades
            of free access to 18 additional rooms each summer.

        •   Donors assist us with between 5 - 8 rooms each summer.

        •  Additional bedrooms are needed to achieve the
            80-room target.

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