Page 12 - GTMF Capital Campaign 2024
P. 12

The Time to                                                Left unchecked, our lagging musician honorariums,

                                                                   rapidly increasing housing costs, and the demands of our
                                                                   50-year-old hall threaten to erode our excellence—the
        Set the Stage                                              foundation of everything we’ve accomplished.

                                                                   A multi-million-dollar campaign to expand the

        is Now                                                     endowment and renovate Walk Festival Hall will
                                                                   position us for decades of excellence and growth.
                                                                   It will also strengthen the Festival’s financial footing, freeing
                                                                   up resources to invest more in what matters most, the
                                                                   music. This puts GTMF in the best position to attract the
                                                                   musicians, Board leaders, patrons, and donors essential
                                                                   to helping us fully achieve our vision of being one of the
                                                                   finest music festivals in the world.

                                                                   The time is now. The Festival is at a crossroads. We can
                                                                   either invest to transform our future or risk decline and
                                                                   the loss of our most precious assets—the musicians, Walk
                                                                   Festival Hall, and the excellence of the GTMF experience.

                                                                   Please join us in setting the stage for a bright future
                                                                   and ensuring that GTMF is the gift that keeps giving
                                                                   for decades to come.

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