Page 10 - GTMF Capital Campaign 2024
P. 10

Renovate Walk Festival

        Hall, Our Symphonic


        Walk Festival Hall’s acoustics and sightlines set it apart.   1. Acoustics: Preserve and elevate the superb acoustical
        It is intimate, connecting artists and audiences in a way   environment for chamber and symphonic music while
        few venues can. The hall is our home, and there is         maintaining the intimate audience experience.
        nothing quite like it.
                                                                   2. Musician Support: Enhance and expand “back of
        The all-wooden performance facility turns 50 in 2024.      house” facilities to better serve our musicians, guest artists,
        The last major renovation was in 2007. Since then, our     and Maestro.
        audience has changed. Programming has evolved to
        include semi-staged opera and non-classical artists.       3. Accessibility: Create a more welcoming, inclusive,
        Recordings, broadcasts, and livestreams have become a      and accessible guest experience with improvements to
        must for opening access to wider audiences. Time and       the lobby, entrances, and restrooms.
        the elements have taken their toll on mechanical systems
        and the exterior. And you can still hear the sounds of     4. Flexibility: Enhance the hall’s capacity for more
        Teton Village through the walls.                           robust symphonic and amplified works, including opera,
                                                                   and upgrade its digital capability for state-of-the-art
        Given the extensive needs, the Board evaluated a           recording and streaming.
        renovation program against the potential benefits of a
        new building. After reviewing a new-build estimate of      5. Infrastructure: Add dynamic lighting to allow the
        $150 million and consulting with experts, the Board        facility to adapt and evolve to meet changing audience
        determined the most prudent path forward is a              expectations for more visually immersive experiences.
        significant renovation that addresses the following
        six priorities.                                            6. Image: Reimagine and refine Walk Festival Hall’s interior
                                                                   and exterior to better reflect GTMF’s excellence with
                                                                   long-lasting materials to suit its environment.

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