Page 91 - Training 2019
P. 91

So, the big question of why the big fuss about cleaning anilox rollers? Well just like life where nothing
               comes free and there’s always catch, so we have the trade-off scenario where at times there is an
               adverse effect that needs to be addressed and in this case, it is clogging of Anilox rollers, mainly
               because cells are smaller and because of water based and UV ink systems.

               Do customers have some form of cleaning maintenance plan or program in place? They cannot afford
               to stop and clean dirty anilox rollers or wash parts because of contamination and clogged anilox rollers.
               There might be coating build up in pipes that, when dry could break off and cause anilox damage. Dirty
               chamber blade units could lead to doctor blades been seated incorrectly and cause wear and damage
               to their anilox rollers.


               The main purpose is to keep your anilox cells clean so that you can maintain and manage your
               coating transfer which is vital to maintaining gloss or matt levels throughout a production run.  Every
               printer has an Anilox Roller that requires cleaning. So now we have an entry into the Litho industry
               as this is one of our strengths and we have all the products they would require.  From Doctor Blade,
               End Seals, Capatch, Recyl Clean 2000, Stainless Steel Brushes and Revive cleaning liquids.

               So now that we have Flexo in Litho accounts, we have an opportunity to get our foot in the door with:
                     Doctor blades
                     Capatch
                     End seals
                     Recyl clean 2000
                     Stainless steel brushes
                     5111
                     2199
                     2206

               DOCTOR BLADES.

               Most of these machines with inline stations use a Tresu Chamber Blade System that uses a Tresu
               blade that is made by Swedev which we can also supply.  On top of that we can supply the blade pre-

                                                                       FLEXO IN LITHO TRAINING MANUAL   3
                                                                                      Updated - 24 June 2019
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