Page 94 - WCPP Annual Report 2021-22_Draft #7.6.2
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Annual Report for the 2021/22 Financial Year
                                                                Vote 2: Western Cape Provincial Parliament
                                                                                       Part C: Governance

                Registrar of Members’ Interests, in terms of sec on 3 of the Members of the Western Cape
                Provincial Parliament Code of Conduct Act, 2002 (Act 3 of 2002), from 1 December 2020 to
                30 November 2023, in accordance with the condi ons in the adver sement, be confirmed. That the
                House further confirms that, in the event that Advocate Burgers does not accept the appointment or
                if the posi on of Registrar becomes vacant within six (6) months of the appointment, the
                recommenda ons of the interviewing panel be implemented.

                Disclosure of Members’ interests
                The closing date for the disclosure of Members’ interests was 30 April 2021. All Members submi ed
                their completed forms by the due date.

                Complaints in terms of the Provincial Code of Conduct
                The Commi ee, during the period under review, dealt with an alleged breach of the code by a

                Advice to Members on the Code of Conduct
                The Registrar provided advice and assistance to nine Members on the proper comple on of their
                disclosure forms.

                Access to the public part of the disclosure forms
                Three requests for access to the public sec on of disclosure forms were received.


                17.1.  Occupa onal Health and Safety (OHS)

                The Serjeant-at-Arms was appointed as the 16.2 in terms of the Occupa onal Health and Safety Act.
                The OHS Commi ee held four mee ngs in the period under review. The mee ngs focussed on the
                checklists and incident reports provided by the OHS representa ves. The mee ngs also kept track of
                the progress with the Hazard Iden fica on and Risk Assessment (HIRA) report, all three ac ons for
                2021/22 was achieved.

                The annual Members survey for 2021/22 showed a remarkable improvement in the area of OHS,
                specifically with the issue of issuing of personal protec ve equipment (PPE) and OHS in general.

                17.2.  COVID-19

                The Serjeant-at-Arms was appointed as the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Task Team. The task team
                held quarterly mee ngs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The task team consists of
                representa ves from the various directorates, a representa ve from labour and a representa ve
                from the stakeholders. A COVID-19 Compliance Officer was appointed to inter alia, ensure that all
                venues, offices and mee ngs rooms complied with the regula ons.

                A number of public hearing and oversight visits took place during the year under review and the
                Compliance Officer was responsible for the sign-off of the in-person engagement forms. This

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