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P. 30

Science Y3/Y4 – Water – week 3

              7.   The final experiment shows how hot water is lighter than cold water so it floats upwards.
                   Tie some string around the mouth of a small glass bottle of hot water into which has been

                   put some food colouring. Lower this into a large jar of cold water. The coloured water
                   should float upwards.

              8.   Let the children discuss then write/draw these experiments.

              9.   Talk about God’s ability to do what is impossible – with God all things are possible.
                   Compare to water always flowing downwards and yet it can be made to move against
                   gravity. People may think it is impossible but it is not. Through prayer, God often does
                   things which we had thought were impossible.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

               The children should begin to appreciate the amazing qualities of water and the wisdom of God
               in creating it for so many uses. They should appreciate ways in which water can be made to
               move against gravity, illustrating that nothing is impossible with God.

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