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P. 62

Science Y3/Y4 – Heat - overview


        Truth to Teach (Source)

        1.     To appreciate that God created the earth at the exact distance from the sun so that           life
        could exist.

        2.     To recognise sources of heat.

        3.     To learn how to measure heat.

        4.     To appreciate that some substances change when they are heated.

        5.     To learn that most substances need oxygen to burn.

        6.     To learn that different substances burn at different rates and speeds.

        7.     To appreciate that light and heat are given off when something is burned.

        8.     To learn about fire safety.

        9.     To learn about how and why hot air balloons rise.

        10.    To know that hot air takes up more space than cold air.

        11.    To learn about the importance of wearing the appropriate clothing for various seasons.

        12.    To investigate the best materials for warm clothing and insulation.

        Way to Work (Means)

              Week 1

              Week 2
              Burning substances

              Week 3
              Hot air balloons

              Week 4
              Keeping warm

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