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P. 66

Science Y3/Y4 – Heat – week 2

                                              BURNING SUBSTANCES

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                To show that most substances need oxygen to burn.

                To learn that substances burn at different rates.

                To learn that different substances burn at different temperatures.

                To learn that when something burns it gives off light and heat.

                To learn about putting out fires and the different kinds of extinguisher.

        Way to Work (Means)

                1.     Review the previous lesson.

                2.     Create a flow chart on the board of information the children may already know about
                       burning substances. (Define a ‘substance’.) Give leading questions to establish some of
                       the following points.

                        Substances burn at
                        different rates.                               Substances burn at different

                                          BURNING                        Substances change when they
                                          SUBSTANCES                     are burned but they do not
                                                                         necessarily change when they
                                                                         are heated.

                        When something burns
                        it gives off heat and         Most substances require
                        light.                        oxygen to burn.

                3.     Light a candle and ask the children how long they think it will last if a jar is put over
                       the top. Let them time it with a second timer. Discuss why the flame goes out. (The
                       oxygen is used up.)

                4.     Put three candles onto saucers and light them, leaving one in the open air, one under a
                       small jar and one under a large jar. Let the children predict which will go out first,
                       second and third explaining why this is so.

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