Page 70 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 70
Science Y3/Y4 – Heat – week 4
8. Set up the insulation experiment by wrapping tins with different insulating materials such
as newspaper, glass wool (use gloves to handle this material), cotton wool, and sand. Put
hot water in each container and test the temperatures at regular intervals.
9. Let the children complete the worksheet.
10. End by thanking God for the provision of our clothes, school and homes none of which
should be taken for granted as many children are not blessed with these.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will hopefully appreciate the need for the correct clothing at different times of
the year to keep ourselves warm. They will also understand more of the meaning of
‘insulation’. Hopefully, the children will have a deeper appreciation of the need to steward our
bodies, homes and school and to pray for those who are not so blessed.