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P. 68

Science Y3/Y4 – Heat – week 3

                                                       HOT AIR

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                To show that hot air is lighter than cold air.

                To show that hot air takes up more space than cold air.

                To show that warm air rises.

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.    Revise the previous lessons.

            2.    Show pictures of hot air balloons. Find out what the children already know about how hot
                  air balloons rise. (If balloons are filled with hot air, they become lighter than the air
                  around them so they float upwards.) Today balloons are filled with helium. Balloons are

                  used to gather information about the weather and for other scientific purposes as well as
                  for advertising.

            3.    Cut a spiral snake out of a light paper. Hold a hair drier under the snake to show that hot air
                  rises and makes the snake spin around.

            4.    Set up the following experiment to show that hot air takes up more room than cold air.
                  Stand two milk bottles with balloons over the tops in two bowls, one filled with ice cubes and
                  one with boiling water. The balloon over the boiling water inflates showing that hot air
                  takes up more space than cold air.

            5.    Talk about gliders using the thermals, or warm air currents. Some children may like to find
                  out more about gliders and even draw one. Alternatively, some children may like to design a
                  hot air balloon.

            6.    Let the children complete their worksheet but draw back together to share or show any
                  other models or pictures.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            The children should have a greater understanding of the properties of hot air, how hot-air
            balloons and gliders are able to fly.

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