Page 5 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 5
1. What is today’s date? Write: Today is xth Xxxxx, 20XX.
Use a calendar, and point to the date. Note the previous day’s date. That day is over
now. It is finished. It has already happened. We say it is now in the past.
2. Here is last week on the calendar. Has it already finished? Then we say it is in the
past too. What about the Easter Holidays? Or April’s Fool’s Day? Or last term?
These are all in the past.
3. Can you think of something that has already happened and which is now over and
which is in the past? Draw this line on the board. the past – now
4. Point to when different events would have taken place, whether a short time ago or a
long time ago. The past stretches a long way back. (Some-one may refer to Jesus on
earth, which gives you opportunity to ask if he was dead for the rest of the time in the
past. Jesus was there over the past. God created all of time and he is greater than
5. Now what about today? Is it all finished? Has it already happened? No, so we
cannot call it the past. What do we call it when something is happening now?
a. Mark the present above the word ‘now’.
b. Right now I am teaching you. That is in the present. Can you think of anything
else which is happening in the present?
6. Today we are starting a new project – right now. (Only tell the title at the end of the
lesson when it will make more sense.) This term, during the next twelve weeks we are
going to be working on this project.
Has this new term already happened yet? We say this is in the future. (Write on the
7. Can you tell me something that will happen in the future? (Make sure that the
children realise that we do not know the future for certain. Certain things are likely,
for example Sports’ Day, or a child having a 7th birthday or getting baptised, but only
God knows what will happen for sure.)
a. Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is over the future as he is over the past and the
b. Psalm 139:16 says ‘All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.’ How does that make you feel when you hear
that? We can trust God to lead us in the right path for us.
(Changing World, Unchanging God) 3