P. 25
Science Y5 – Living and non-living things – week 9
Truth to Teach (Source)
Matthew 7:24-27 Parable of Wise and Foolish Builders
To appreciate the importance of firm foundations in our spiritual lives.
To learn to describe and group rocks on the basis of characteristics, including appearance,
texture and permeability.
To recognise different rocks in the local environment.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Read and discuss the above parable, stressing the importance of firm foundations in our
2. If possible, invite a geologist or a builder in to talk to the children about rocks.
Alternatively, a visit to a quarry or a building site could be arranged.
3. If none of the above is possible, show a display of rocks including marble, chalk, slate,
granite and limestone. Let the children feel the texture of each one and find suitable
adjectives to describe them. The hardness test could be applied (see worksheet). Explain
the terms ‘permeable’ and ‘impermeable’.
4. Divide the children into groups to conduct their own research on one particular rock, using
books or the Internet. Give time to share back. Pupils who are interested in geology may
like to create a display of their work over a period of time. Equip them with magnifiers, etc
and discuss simple experiments they could conduct to compare the rocks.
5. Remind the children of the natural resources God has created for man to use. Talk about
stone-masons and other people who use rocks in their work.
6. The children could be sent around the school with someone with suitable expertise to
identify rocks used in the building. They could look at local maps to learn about the rocks in
the locality.
7. End the lesson by sharing information gathered by various children and by thanking God for
the natural resources he has created for man to use.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will have gathered much factual information about rocks. They should have gained more
experience in presenting material clearly and in designing their own experiments, recording results
accurately and in sharing findings with others.