P. 54

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
        Week 1

        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Genesis 1:20-22       God planned how the birds and sea creatures would increase in number, and how
                              there would always be these creatures on the earth.

        Way to Work (Means)

               1.      Show an egg.

               2.      What is inside this egg?  (The answer to this was very revealing and gave us          a

               foundation from which to start.)

               3.       Eventually establish:-

                              hen                          hen + cock
                                                          (F)    (M)
                           eggs for eating

                                                       eggs with chicks in them

               God planned there would be male and female birds.

                Pin up pictures
                of thrushes in a
                 cycle pattern e.g   - they would mate or 'get together'.

                              -      - the female bird or mother bird lays the eggs.
                              -      - the chicks hatch after a time.
                              -      - the parents feed their chicks, which grow up.
                              -      - the young birds mate...

                       This is a cycle - God has set this up. It is called a life cycle to ensure there will always
        be new life on this earth.  All living things God made have a life cycle.

              4.       Let's look and see what is inside this egg.  Break the egg into a glass beaker.
                Identify the 'yolk' and the 'white'.  There is no chick because a hen had not mated with a
              cockerel before laying this egg.  However, if a hen had mated and then laid her egg, do you
              think it would be the same size as this one?  Would it have a yolk inside?  And white?  Explain
              the fascinating story of what is in an egg using a sequence of pictures.

                    (a)       Chick is in the egg. Safe place.  Hen sits on her eggs to keep them
                       warm. Yolk is a supply of food for the chick.  White is supply of drink.              It

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