P. 49

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                                 Setting up a wormery
        Week 6

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              1.     Earthworms, though small, have a part to play in maintaining good growing conditions in
                     the soil.  God planned this.

              2.     How they serve can be studied in the classroom by setting up a wormery.

        Way to Work (Means)

              1.     Recap on why soil is valuable?
                         We could say that soil serves!

              2.     There is one of God’s  creatures  that serves  the  soil, and gardeners and farmers
                     appreciate all the work this little creature does.  It’s home is in the soil.  It helps to keep
                     air in the soil, and make it easier for water to sink down deeper into the ground.  It has
                     no eyes and no ears, but it can feel movement, etc. (Keep giving clues until someone has
                     guessed what it is.)

              3.     Suggest  it  might be fun as  well  as  very interesting if  we  could see  how  a  worm goes
                     about its work.  Explain about a wormery and follow the instructions in the accompanying
                     leaflet as to how to  set it up.  Involve the children in this as  much as possible.
                     Fascinating  facts  about  worms  could  be  shared  with  the  children  when  appropriate.
                     Bring out the co-operating aspect of this little creature, and how God loves it when His

                     creation works together peacefully and for good.

              4.     As part of their English work the children could write instructions on how to set up a
                     wormery.  There is value in doing this as a class so that the children can appreciate the
                     need to make the instructions very clear.  They could then copy these up to keep.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

             1.      For the children to experience the fun of observing living creatures in their learning
                     centre, and to learn through what they observe.

             2.      For the children to appreciate God’s plan for living things to serve and co-operate for
                     good in His world.

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