P. 48

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                       oxygen and carbon dioxide in the world.  Plants depend on soil.
                                 •  Many creatures have their home in the soil.  Show relevant pictures of
                                     moles’ tunnels, rabbits’ burrows, a kingfisher’s nest, etc.

            4.      So soil is important, and we need to look after it so that future generations of people and
                   animals and plants can receive from it as God intended.  It is a gift that we can say thank
                   you for.

                   Is there anything that you as children can do to play your part in looking after or
                   stewarding the soil?  What about litter?   What should you do  with it?  Distinguish
                   between litter that will decay easily eg. banana skins and materials like plastic and metal
                   which do not.  Behaving responsibly with litter will mean that you  serve the soil!  And

                   honour God!

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

              1.     For the children to appreciate how God has made soil necessary for life.

              2.     For the children to appreciate God’s far-sightedness in planning for the continual
                     enrichment of soil through humus, choosing to renew it rather than discard it.

              3.     For the children to realise the importance of looking after the soil and to be made aware
                     of how this can be done.

              4.     For the children to dispose of their litter responsibly, and to model this for others.

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