P. 43

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                                     Changed Rocks
        Week 3

                                                Truth to Teach (Source)

              1.     God uses great forces creatively as the Builder of the Earth and the universe, and these
                     forces act to change things.  In a similar way He may take us through times of heat and
                     pressure in our lives, so that we are changed and purified in our faith and knowledge of
                     Him.  (1 Peter 1:6-7)

              2.     Rock may be changed through heat or pressure into a harder or more beautiful type of

        Way to Work (Means)

              1.     Recap.   Some rocks are formed as melted fiery rock from the depths of the  earth’s
                     mantle cools down.  (Granite. Basalt.  Pumice.)
                     This is a bit like a person who has got worked up inside, perhaps someone is very angry
                     about something. He gets red in the face and then perhaps begins to shout or stamp, as
                     his anger has to get out. After that, he can begin to cool down.  No-one can live like that
                     all the time, but there are times when we will feel angry.  The important thing is how to
                     let the anger out without hurting anybody.  In a similar way there is a build up of this hot
                     fiery rock under the earth’s crust, and if there is a weak place in the crust, it comes
                     surging out.  And then it begins to cool down.

                     Other rocks are formed under water, from the remains of little pieces of rock or dead
                     sea-creatures or plants, which sink to the sea-bed, and gradually get covered over and
                     pressed into rocks such as limestone, chalk or sandstone.  Here we can see that in God’s
                     world the end of one thing is the start of something else.  The end of rock or creatures
                     or plants isn’t a waste, because God uses these in His process of creating new rock!

              2.     Explain that there is yet another way in which rocks are being created today.  It is a
                     little bit like baking biscuits.  You know how the dough is soft when the biscuits go into
                     the oven, but when they come out and they are cool enough to eat, they will be crunchy.
                     What caused the soft biscuit to become hard?  (Heat)
                     In a similar  way, when hot lava is  forced through layers of limestone, it  ‘bakes’ the
                     limestone near it and changes limestone into this beautiful  hard marble! (Show
                     contrasting rock samples.)
                     God has used heat and pressure (or squeezing) to change this once ordinary rock into
                     something special!  Do you think it was nice for the rock?!

              3.     In a similar way God may allow us to experience a difficult situation, not to harm us, but
                     to change us.  How may He want us to change?   (To make us more like Jesus in some
                     way – more beautiful – or to make our faith stronger.)  It may not be pleasant at the
                     time,  but  in  it  “God  works  for  the good  of  those who  love  Him,  who  have  been called
                     according to his purpose.”  [Expand as appropriate.]

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