P. 38
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
2. For the children to recognise God’s wise and wonderful design, whereby eroded rock and decaying plant and animal
matter can be used in the renewing of the material of the earth’s crust. In God’s plan the end of one thing is often
the beginning of another thing.
3. For the children to know that God’s word and His work of salvation are solid and dependable, and worthy of our full
About them
1. For the children to see that the pressure and heat of difficult circumstances are an opportunity for God to bring
forth beauty and steadfastness of faith in our lives.
2. For the children to see the need to, and know more about how to, steward soil carefully, so that it is available to
serve other generations.
1. For the children to go beyond looking at rocks and see that every aspect of God’s universe reveals something of
His character to us. Similarly there are other examples of God using cycles to sustain matter on the earth. Eg life
cycles, rain cycle.
2. For the children to play their part in stewarding the Earth by disposing of litter in a way which does not pollute the
soil unnecessarily, so that good soil is available to serve other generations.
Way to Work (Means)
Week 1 Fiery rock
Week 2 Rock formed under water
Week 3 Changed rocks
Week 4 Investigating soil
Week 5 Soil supports life
Week 6 Setting up a wormery
Week 7 Test