P. 14

Science Y6 – Marvellous Me – Evolution and Intelligent Design

        No one has yet proposed a coherent explanation of how such a complex coding--transmission--decoding system could arise
        by natural processes alone. Nevertheless, evolutionists persist in their view that, one day, an explanation will be found. It is
        a case of taking an ‘evolutionary belief’ position contrary to clear scientific evidences of design.

        Russian doll

        Over the years, discovery of complexity within complexity made the Darwinian approach to biology less and less convincing.
        Nevertheless, people held on to the theory, thinking  that it could be rescued if simplicity were found at  the most
        fundamental level of living things. Any such hope has now vanished.

        It is as if biologists have been given a Russian doll to examine. Open the case of the outer doll and another is found inside.
        Split  that apart and yet  another pops  out. Molecular biology has now probed  the  most fundamental level of  biological
        structure possible — the molecules themselves — and still there is no simplicity.

        Gradual transformation from simple to complex (as taught by Darwinism) will always be a problem as long as organisms are
        found to be sophisticated. Darwinists need to find the equivalent of a doll that has something inside that will allow their
        gradualistic mechanisms to work.

        Hallmark of design

        What have researchers found? Have they uncovered at the molecular level some simple system on which Darwinian
        mechanisms could operate? Or is the final doll of the set empty, forever blocking Darwinian-type transformation?

        Darwinism has always claimed to explain the origin of complexity. However, the more scientists look at the data the less it
        appears that evolutionary theory has anything helpful to say on this subject.

        Returning to the Russian doll analogy, the last doll of the set has been opened by the molecular biologists. It is empty.
        There is nothing at the core that can be described as simple.

        Complexity exists wherever we look in living things. Consequently, there is no level at which Darwinian processes of
        transformation can work. This complexity is a major hallmark of design.

        The Master’s handiwork

        Believing the Bible does not mean that we become irrational. The Bible portrays the Christian as one who has been renewed
        in his or her mind — who has come out of darkness into the light. Included in this mental renewal is a right understanding of
        the world around us. Here we see the handiwork of our Creator God.

        And consider this. If God indeed constructed the genetic code, with all its intricacy and information content, can he not also
        communicate life-transforming truth to human beings? The Christian faith is concerned with God’s speaking directly to our

        He used prophets and teachers to bring his message to mankind in the form of the Holy Scriptures. Supremely, he has
        come himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father’ (John 14:9).

        The apostle Paul writes that God’s invisible qualities (his eternal power and divine nature) ‘have been clearly seen, being
        understood from what has been made’ (Romans 1:20). What was apparent in Paul’s day is even clearer today, knowing as we
        do so much more about the things that have been made.

        Animals and plants are revealed to be the handiwork of a Master Craftsman, who is wise, powerful and divine. ‘How many
        are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures’ (Psalm 104:24).

        David J Tyler

        Reproduced with permission from Evangelical Times

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