P. 18

Science Y6 – Marvellous Me – lesson 2

                                           THE BODY’S BUILDING BLOCKS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               1 Corinthians 12:12   ‘The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many,
                                     they form one body.’

                   All organisms are made up of cells.

                   Our bodies are made up of millions of cells of different shapes and with different functions.

                   The Body of Christ is made up of millions of people just as the body has many cells.

                   Groups of cells make up tissues which combine to make organs.

        Way to Work (Means)

               1.   Review the previous lesson.

               2.   Show  pictures  of  various  cells,  discussing  the  way  in  which  God  has  designed  different  shaped  cells  for
                    different parts of the body and for different functions. Draw some cells on the board and label the nucleus in
                    the centre, surrounded by the cytoplasm held together by the cell membrane.

               3.   If the children have access to computers they could gather their own information on cells using Children’s
                    Encyclopaedia programmes on CD or from the Internet, eg



                    Useful book:     ‘Marvellous Me’ by Dr Anne Townsend, published by Lion   ISBN 0-85648-577-2

               4.   The information the children gather could be added to the worksheet, or they could print information off the
                    web-site and use highlighters to show relevant information, or create their own writing with labelled diagrams.

               5.   Gather back after a set time to share.

               6.   Read and discuss the above verse, applying it to our different gifts and talents and where we fit into the
                    class, church or family. Stress the importance of each individual and how we are all created for purpose for
                    the good of the whole.

               7.   End  by  reading  the  following  from  ‘Fearfully  and  Wonderfully  Made’  by  Philip  Yancey  and  Dr Paul  Brand,
                    ISBN 0-551-02322-8

                    ‘The body is one unit, though it is made up of many cells, and though all its cells are many, they form one
                    body … If the white cell should say, because I am not a brain cell, I do not belong to the body, it would not
                    for that reason cease  to be part of the body. And if  the muscle cell should say  to the optic nerve cell,
                    because I am not an optic nerve cell, I do not belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be
                    part of the body. If the whole body were an optic nerve cell, where would be the ability to walk? If the whole
                    body were an auditory nerve cell, where would be the sense of sight? But in fact God has arranged the cells
                    in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If all the cells were the same, where would the
                    body be? As it is, there are many cells but one body.’

               8.   Thank God for his amazing design of our bodies and the different purposes for which we have been created.

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