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P. 10
Science Y3/Y4 – Electricity – week 3
Truth to Teach (Source)
To discover who invented current electricity.
To show that a complete, continuous circuit is required for an electric current to flow.
To learn the symbols for a bulb, battery and switch.
To appreciate the spiritual lessons we can learn from complete circuits.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the last lessons, especially distinguishing between static and current electricity.
(Current electricity can flow through wires from place to place whereas static electricity
is only in one place.)
2. Talk about the invention of current electricity by Michael Faraday in 1831.
(He found that he could make an electric current flow through wire by moving a magnet in
and out of a coil of wire. This led to the invention of the dynamos which are still used to
make much of our electricity.)
3. Explain how electricity is generated in power stations. Fuel such as oil or coal is burned
to heat water which turns to steam. Steam pushes a huge wheel, called a turbine, around
very fast. The turbine turns a huge dynamo, or generator, which makes electricity.
Electricity is then carried along cables to our homes.
4. We can use batteries to perform safe experiments on electricity. Introduce the word
‘circuit’, explaining its meaning before setting groups of children the task of using a bulb,
battery and two wires to try to light up their bulb. Extend the task by giving them more
wires and bulbs then switches. Ask them what they notice about the brightness of the
bulbs as more are added to the circuit. (They get dimmer.)
5. Gather the children back to share their results and to introduce the symbols for a bulb,
switch and battery. (See worksheet)
6. Let the children complete the worksheet.
7. Gather back to stress that a complete, continuous circuit is needed for current electricity
to flow. Draw spiritual comparisons with our Christian lives – our circuit is hearing and
obeying God, talking to God, etc then his light and power will be evident in our lives. When
the circuit is broken by sin, we can re-establish contact through repentance.