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Science Y3/Y4 – Plants – week 10

                                               PLANTS MAKING FOOD

        Truth to Teach (Source)
              To show that plants give off oxygen but require carbon dioxide – God’s economy in creation
              with humans requiring oxygen but breathing out carbon dioxide.

              To show that plants require sunlight to make their food.

              To teach how most plants make food using chlorophyll.

              To find examples of parasitic plants.

              To play the ‘Plant Growth’ Game.

        Way to Work (Means)
              1.   Review previous lessons.

              2.   Remind the children of the conditions necessary for seeds’ growth.

              3.   Write up the results of the experiments set up last week.

              4.   Take the children outside to look under bricks or stones which have covered grass for
                   some time. Ask them why they think that the grass has turned yellow.

              5.   Return to the classroom to share about the way in which plants and animals grow. Animals
                   grow by eating but plants have to make their own food to grow. They do this in their
                   leaves using a green chemical called chlorophyll. This converts the sunlight energy into
                   food energy. It does this by combining water and carbon dioxide to form sugars. The
                   roots draw up water from the soil and the leaves take in carbon dioxide from the air. If
                   the plant is left in the dark, no food is made and the plants won’t grow. Oxygen is given
                   off as a waste gas.

              6.   Briefly mention parasitic plants which mainly feed off other plants. Some plants catch
                   insects which dissolve and give food for the plant. Let the children look in books or go on
                   the Internet to find examples of parasitic plants

              7.   The children could draw pictures or write notes to record their work.

              8.   More able children may be able to draw some food chains beginning with plants.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children will appreciate more of the wisdom of God in creating plants and animals with differing
        needs and yet able to co-exist. They should understand how the majority of plants make food using

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