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Kudos                                                                                                                  Kudos

        To Best Player                                                                                                         IAS Soft Launch - Go-Live

          “Project management is like juggling three balls –                                                                     “The biggest of noises are made by the quietest

                      time, cost and quality”                                                                                    of people. Today, that statement is true for every-
                                             - G Reiss                                                                           one involved in today’s launch from the Tech, IAS,
                           I just wanted to thank                                                                                Marketing and Content sides that I heard ran into
                                                                                                                                 the early hours of the morning.
                           Vincent Rajan for his ef-              “Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns
                           fort and diligence in get-                 in order to look at things in a different way.”            Give yourselves a pat on the back. You deserve it.             “Fantastic effort.
                           ting the job done right,                                         - Edward de Bono                     Monumental effort, Team Veranda”.                              Big congratulations to the entire
                           and  his  assistance  and                                                                                                                                            team”
                           consistent     support    in           I am really happy with her determination to                    by Abishek Kalpathi                                            by Aishwarya Kalpathi
        coordinating with both the external Ven-                  complete the task assigned. She always
        dor and internal Stakeholder — Veranda                    takes care of things in terms of new designs for
        CA team — to ensure the “On Time” de-                     PowerPoint (PPT) template, R&D in PPT                                                                     “Thank you praba.  Great job  from tech team.
        livery of the CA Assessment Authoring                     or providing training on different platforms.                  “Great work!                               I thank each one of the members from tech side
        Project as per agreed revised timelines.                  She is always eager to do the assignment                       Congrats to Team Veranda!”                 kalash, simiyon, Senthil, Siva and the other one.
        Vincent, your positivity and willingness to               or create new designs within the stipulated                    by Abinaya Kalpathi                        Thanks to the management, chander and team,
        help never go unnoticed and are always                    time. Though she is not from a graphic de-                                                                prasanth and team, IAS team and each one who
        appreciated.                                              sign background and did not have any ex-                                                                  stand with  us to make this possible  on time.”
                                                                  perience in designing or PPT animations,                                                                  by Saravanan s
        The project budget too stayed within the                  she has prepared some creative designs
        agreed-upon value. He maintained all re-                  and animations in PPT with her own inter-
        quired metrics, including billing against the             est by putting in the effort needed. And she
        scope  of  the  project  versus  deliverables             has also achieved the highest number of                      Your
        and helped save a few thousands of INR                    PPT slides developed in this quarter. She                    Corner
        by keeping a close tab on the project ex-                 is very calm, polite and easily  adaptable
        penditure.  He  got  the  entire  group  to  at-          to new changes in such a short learning                      GST Certificate Course
        tend all the weekly meetings between the                  curve; and she always doing new things in
        vendors and stakeholders, to respond to                   PPT designs.                                                 The Institute of Chartered  Accountants of India (ICAI)
        emails, and consistently has been follow-                 Stop! Here, I have been saying many                          provides  additional  courses  for  the  qualified  Chartered
        ing up with everybody in the team for their               things about her without mentioning her                      Accountants through  its Digital  Learning  Hub (DLH) which
        response.                                                 name. Right?                                                 adds  value to their  profession.  The refresher  courses
                                                                                                                               include ones  on Income  Tax Returns, FEMA,  etc.  (which
        It has proven your mettle as a talented                   Yes. She is none other than                                  helps  in  knowledge  enhancement)  as  well  as  certificate
        project manager and I am looking forward                  Heera (PPT Specialist).                                      courses on subjects like FAFD, GST, Concurrent  Au-                             CA. Srinidhi.V
        to seeing the direction in which you are                                                                               dit,  etc.  Assessments  are conducted and the  CA  is  pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chartered Accountant Advisor
        going to take your upcoming projects.                     All  the  very  best  Heera!                                 vided  with  a  certificate  upon  clearing  the  assessment.           at Veranda CA Learning Solutions Limited
                                                                  Looking forward to more                                      I had registered myself with the DLH portal and had taken up the GST certificate course for
        Good luck and more power to you!                          creative and good work.                                      enhancing my knowledge in GST, which is one of my areas of interest. It involved attending
                                                                                                                               live sessions and answering MCQs at the end of each session as well as an assessment test
        M Rathnakumaran                                           Thanks                                                       held at the end of the course. Once the assessment test is cleared, we are credited with CPE
                                                                  Ramesh S                                                     hours along with a certificate. I attended live zoom sessions for 10 days in January–February
                                                                                                                               2021. After clearing all the daily MCQ tests as well as the final assessment test (held on 25
                                                                                                                               April 2021), I was issued a certificate for completing the course.

                                                                                                                               - Srinidhi V

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